Open Letter to My Students 55: Reform Judaism in North America — The 150th-Anniversary Script (“Introduction”)

Open Letter to My Students 55: Reform Judaism in North America — The 150th-Anniversary Script (“Introduction”)


I promised I would post the script, bit by bit because of its length. What follows is the Introduction, but a longer version than what people experienced at the actual performance, because time constraints necessitated much of this being cut. For better and for worse, here is the original, modified slightly to provide continuity with the final version.

The script alone cannot provide anything like the impact of the performed version, which included music, variable lighting, video clips, background visuals, two main narrators, and a variety of speakers both on screen and in person. I wish I could replicate that here, but unable to do so, I provide just the barebones script (and, at times, an indication of the music or film clip on which the script depended in the end). 

I am enormously indebted to the best editing committee imaginable. The text was read critically in all its many stages over a four month period by Rabbis April Davis and Danny Freelander. It then went to a URJ committee of Rosalie Boxt (who quite brilliantly organized the music); Jill Peltzman (who, among other things, directed everything that went into the visuals and staging)  Barbara Weinstein (who brought concerns arising from her work at the Religious Action Center, and (deserving special mention) Rabbi Esther Lederman (who oversaw the entire project with wisdom and care). At times others too were involved, in particular, Rabbi Rick Jacobs, the URJ president, at whose request I undertook the project to begin with, and whose judgements often resulted in script additions and changes. 

Journalists Dana Bash and David Gregory were superb narrators. I wish I could replicate their voices in this printed version of the script, because it was they who brought it to life with such brilliance.

The Introduction was followed by five “chapters” (each of them an aspect of Reform Jewish innovation or history) and a conclusion. The Introduction sets the tone of the evening and names the chapters, which will follow in later posts).]


Reform Judaism in North America — The 150th-Anniversary Script Introduction

[Instrumental meditative music as we enter;

music changes into the Hanukah motif; background images of lighting Hanukah candles appear on screen; music fades out as the narration begins.]

December darkness is not the world at its worst,

Not just a taste of time’s eventual end

Not for Jews, at least, For whom, December cold is Hanukah’s warmth,

A time of dedication,

To a past that is rich with meaning

And a future that, we pray, may dawn yet richer still.  

But dedication is no orphan 

Untethered to time.

All promises of perseverance, loyalty, resolve, devotion, 

Remain ethereal,

If they are not acted out

Within the real stuff of human enterprise.

The great and noble causes on which the world depends

Exist within the drama we call history

Or do not exist at all.

And that is why we Jews remember.

No people on the face of the earth 

Insists on memory more than we,

We Jews, 

Who have played a part 

In world affairs far beyond our numbers.

From Jerusalem to Baghdad,

Barcelona to Berlin, 

And now here in North America.

“We Jews have many faults

But amnesia is not among them,”

Said Isaac Bashevis Singer,

Who knew that Jews remember.

Zachor and Zikaron, 

The Hebrew words for memory, 

Mean “to point.”

Day in, day out, we Jews are asked to point, 

To direct our hearts and minds and souls 

To the forces that brought us to this day and will, we pray, 

Allow us each to play our part in the universal flow of time,

To move the human drama ever forward,

To an ever better, brighter, day.


Three months ago, or so, we celebrated Rosh Hashanah,

Our new year day of memory, Yom Hazikaron

A day of pointing back with mythic consciousness

to the time the world was made.

With every shofar blast, we said

Hayom harat olam,

“On this day the world was conceived,”

Shaped in the womb of God, 

And birthed into existence.

On Rosh Hashanah, the rabbis said,

Kol ba’ei olam, “all who enter the world” 

Appear before God.

Not just as Jews, then, 

do we greet our highest holy days,

But as human beings like everyone else, 

Confronting God’s presence, 

To be reminded of the human project:

To leave the world better off than when we entered it.


Three months from now, or so, we will sit around a seder table,

Marking another Jewish new year,

The month of Passover,

For we Jews have not just one but two beginnings, 

The conception of the world and the time we left Egypt.

“This shall be for you the beginning of months”

In the words of our Torah.

So the seder too remembers, 

Not the world’s conception, but the birth of our people,

For as much as we are a religion, we are a people too, 

A people born in slavery to Pharaoh – 

that we might value freedom;  

A people awestruck by a burning bush – 

that we might harbor faith

A people steeped in echoes of Sinai – 

that we might know our purpose; 

We are not just a people, 

We are a people with purpose.

And so we meet tonight as Jews of purpose

To recollect out past

To celebrate our present,

But most of all, to reaffirm our purpose.

….Shehechiyanu v’ki’manu v’higianu lazman hazeh

“We praise you God for giving us life, 

For sustaining us 

And for bringing us to where we are this day.”


On a single thread of insight, says the Talmud,

There hang whole mountains of vibrant creativity.

No surprise then that Reform began with such a single thread:

The daring thought that Torah is revealed 

Not just once at some magical desert mountain,

But in every age anew: 

The ever-present voice of God —

Throughout the world’s wonders, 

the advance of human reason, 

scientific progress, 

and insights from our texts and our experience 

as a Jewish People through the ages. 

From this single thread came a framework of Reform ideas,

In their time, profoundly novel, 

So successful, that we take them now for granted – and should not.

As the Israelites followed pillars of cloud by day and fire by night, 

So we hold fast to these pillars of inventiveness, 

Which, now as then, make us who we are.

A Union, a Community of Communities: 

Individuals need other individuals; 

and communities need other communities. 

Reform is a movement, 

Many congregations impacting the world together.

Principle and Purpose: 

Judaism is no tribal faith. 

It exists to make us fully human; 

and to pursue the great and noble causes of the human race.

An Ellipse, not a Circle: 

The Jewish People has not just one but two centers, 

the Jewish land we call Israel, 

and a worldwide diaspora – North America for us.

Meaningful Worship: 

Prayer need not be rote repetition of prayer-book texts. 

It can be, must be, touching, spiritual, inspirational, aspirational. 

A Doorway, not a Fence: 

Judaism is a response to the human condition. 

It is open to all who find it meaningful.

Authentic Judaism is not doing 

What our ancestors did, 

But doing what they would have done, 

If they were alive today. 

And Judaism, continually updated, 

Is not a burden; it was, it is, and it should be,

Pure sheer joy….

With Halleluya moments

That cantors, choirs and congregations, 

Have belted out for 150 years. 

[Introduction ends with Lewandowski Halleluja video 

by American Conference of cantors and Guild of Temple Musicians)


[There now follow sections on the five principles:

“A Union, a Community of Communities: 

Principle and Purpose: 

An Ellipse, not a Circle: 

Meaningful Worship: 

A Doorway, not a Fence”

These will follow in later posts]

6 responses to “Open Letter to My Students 55: Reform Judaism in North America — The 150th-Anniversary Script (“Introduction”)

  1. Albert Micah Lewis


    I am eagerly awaiting the next pieces. Thank you. Al Lewis

  2. Herein a revisionist history of the gross failures of Rabbinic g’lut Orthodox Judaism down through the Ages, based upon the opening Mishna of ברכות ק”ש ערבית which the Gemara on this Av Mishna learns refined unto a single word: כעסו.

    Modern church = Orthodox Judaism today. LOL In the blessing after eating bread, notice the blessing for Hannukka. The wicked Greek kingdom attempted to force Israel to abandon the Oral Torah. (The language “Oral” implied. Why? B/c the Written Torah was written).

    What defines the “Oral Torah”? According to Rabbi Akiva, the kabbalah of Oral Torah refers to פרדס, an abbreviation for p’shat, r’miz, drosh, sod. Orthodox Judaism throws פרדס out like a fisherman places a worm on a hook.

    But in point of fact Orthodox Jews, following the disastrous victory of the Rambam statute halachic code which perverted T’NaCH & Talmudic common law; these religious Jews do not know how to learn Oral Torah. Oral Torah became a lost wisdom. Which learns the Talmud as a fabric which contains a warp/weft, Halacha\Aggadah relationship. דרוש ופשט align with the Aggadah portions of Talmud and Midrash. While רמז וסוד align with the halachic portions of the Talmud. G’lut Jewry lost the wisdom, how to learn the Torah לשמה.

    This requires proof. Oral Torah – a logic format by which the generations can interpret the k’vanna of the Written Torah. Two major branches of logic. Deductive logic and Inductive logic. Assimilated Roman statute law most essentially relies upon deductive logic. A rabbinic figure teaches a din to his students, and those students “interpret” the k’vanna of their rabbi’s halachic ruling. Rabbi Akiva had 5 major talmidim who survived. They passed the masoret of the Mishna to Rabbi Yechuda Ha’Nasi, primarily by means of their deductive reasoning in how they understood the words of Rabbi Akiva.

    The halachic codes most famous today, the Rambam, Ben Asher, and Yosef Karo. These assimilated codes rely most essentially upon the logic format of the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle. They do not possess a grasp of the hidden kabbalah of Rabbi Akiva’s פרדס logic system. The story of Hannukka depicts not only a conflict between the Jews and the Syrian Greek empire. But equally a Civil War between the P’rushim (the forefathers of rabbinic Judaism) against the Tzeddukim (the assimilated house of Aaron Cohonim, who ruled the Banana Republic of Judea for benefit of their masters: the Persians, the Greeks, and the Romans).

    When the Persian empire permitted the generation of Ezra to return and rebuild Judea and the Temple in Jerusalem, the Persia kings did so b/c the Assyrian policy which removed the indigenous population of the 10 Tribes from their homelands, this policy opened the gates of that empire to foreign Invasions. The Babylonian empire conquered the Assyrian empire quickly due to this critical strategic blunder.

    Hence Cyrus, the king of Persia, permitted Jews to return. And paid for the construction of the Temple, to cement shut this gateway of foreign invasion into the Persian empire. Jews rebuilt Judea and would fight to prevent a foreign army to conquer it again.

    Aristotle rode with Alexander the Great, when that Greek general conquered the Persian empire of Iran. Approximately 1000 years later, with the invasion of Spain by Muslim armies, the Muslims rediscovered the writings of the ancient Greeks which Constatine concealed & cloistered, and only permitted Catholic monks to study, thus causing the Dark Ages.

    The ‘Golden Age’ of Spanish Jewry, an utter misnomer. Ibn Ezra’s son converted to Islam. Jews living in Spain almost totally assimilated to the cultures and customs of the conquering Muslim empires. Specifically, where the Maccabees defeated the assimilated Tzeddukim (they wanted to turn Jerusalem into a Greek polis/City State) Rambam and the assimilated Spanish rabbis totally embraced the rediscovered ancient Greek philosophy!

    Would Jewish refugees make t’shuva and expel the assimilated Tzeddukim from the Temple for a second time? No. G’lut Jews lost the wisdom of pursuing mitzvot observance לשמה.
    The Rambam named his assimilated Roman Statute law code the “Mishnah Torah” due to his total ignorance that the term Mishna Torah refers: not only to the 5th Book of the Torah (this he clearly knew), but that Mishna Torah means: common law (this he clearly did not know).

    Rabbi Yechuda Ha’Nassi wrote the 6 Orders of the “Mishna” because he understood that the Book of דברים makes a Mishna Torah common law Case/Rule reinterpretation upon the other 4 Books of the Written Torah, with the k’vanna to grasp the prophetic mussar applicable to all generations of Israel.

    NaCH serves as mussar precedents (called בנין אב in the logic of Rabbi Yishmael’s 13 rules of logic); the Aggadah portions of the Talmud (about 1/4th of the Sha’s Bavli), together with the Geonim Midrashim, specifically Midrash Rabbah, serves as a commentary to the Aggadah (Which organizes its drosh around the order of the Mishnaot rather than the order of the T’NaCH like as does classic Midrash commentaries.); the Aggadah makes a drosh back to T’NaCH Primary mussar sources with an eye to learn the k’vanna of prophetic mussar. Prophets command mussar – the T’NaCH definition of prophesy.

    Following the Rambam Civil War, {{{[[[[(( Rambam published his assimilated Roman statute law halachic code in about 1185 ce. He died in 1205. The Spanish court of Rabbeinu Yonah place the ban of charem upon the Rambam {like as similarily a later court condemned Spinoza} in about 1215; and burned his corruption with the evilly named Mishnah Torah.

    Despite foreign travel being highly confined during the Dark Ages due to a lack of functioning roads and bandits, the fires of the Rambam Civil War in Spain spread first to France. In 1242 the Pope and the king of France ordered the total destruction of all Talmudic hand written manuscripts in France. {The printing press not developed until about 2 Centuries later.} The public destruction of all Talmudic manuscripts in France, its impact upon European g’lut Jewry compares to the impact of the Romans expelling the Jews from Judea and renaming the land Palestine!

    In 1290 the flames of this Jewish Civil War spread to England which culminated in the expulsion of Jews from England. Then this international Jewish Civil War returned back to France. The king expelled the Jews of France in 1305; this disaster destroyed the common law learning on the Torah and Talmud. (Rashi p’shat employs inductive learning by means of comparative precedents. This Rashi Chumash p’shat totally different than the Rashi’s Talmudic commentary of “p’shat”. The criticism made by the Baali Tosafot commentaries on the Talmud, it learns the common law inductive reasoning methodology of the Talmud, by means of a common law inductive precedent search/based commentary to the Talmud. Rashi p’shat on the Talmud most essentially lacked this essential understanding of Talmud as Common law.

    Rashi’s Talmudic simple deductive reasoning p’shat commentary on the Talmud, written to conceal from the Pre-1st Crusades church, the inductive reasoning of common law. Hence Rashi p’shat on the Chumash, there Rashi showed his understanding of inductive reasoning precedent based p’shat. His Chumash commentary most essentially entails the inductive comparison method of a judicial case juxtaposed to similar judicial case/law ruling ie common law.

    The expulsion of the Jews from France in 1305 destroyed the Rashi-Tosafot common law school of Chumash and Talmudic inductive logic reasoning common law scholarship. Disasters followed one after another. The Talmud refers to this type of crash as ירידות הדורות: which means domino effect/ripple effect.

    The kingdoms of Germany imposed crushing taxation without representation upon the Jewish stateless refugee populations living within the German kingdoms. As did the king of England the Germans likewise pauperized the Jewish refugees almost over-night with their criminal taxation without representation theft of virtually all Jewish wealth. When the Germans could not squeeze more gold out of “their” Jews, they expelled these Jewish refugees from their kingdom. Jews fled from one German kingdom to another only to be abused in the exact same way – over again and again.

    Then in about 1415 the Pope imposed the ghetto war crimes upon the Jews of Western Europe. Jews would remain imprisoned in these ghetto war crimes for over 3 Centuries, till Napoleon kicked the Pope in his balls, and freed the Jewish refugees from the ghetto and granted French citizenship to French Jewry!

    This revolution likewise witnessed the economic transformation from Lord/serf agricultural based economies to citizen/democracy industrial-based economies. The last Lord/serf feudal based agricultural-based economies: Czarist Russia and the Confederate South. Both of these agricultural wealth-based economies witness military defeat. Czarist Russia tasted the bitterness of the Crimean War of 1856. While the Southern Confederacy tasted this bitterness after the battles of Gettysburg and Shermans burning of Atlanta.

    The Vatican imposition of the ghetto war crimes upon Western European Jewish refugee populations cause a huge population transfer, wherein millions of Jews fled from Western Europe unto Eastern Europe, specifically the Ukraine and Poland.
    Disaster followed disaster. While the rediscovery of the ancient Greek philosophical writing significantly contributed with terminating the Dark Ages and ushered in the Rennaissance. The ensuing Catholic corruption erupted in the Reformation and the terrible 30 Years War. Europe’s population during the 30 Years War, about 1\3rd the size of Europe’s population during WWI.

    Yet about as many people killed in the 30 Years Protestant/Catholic Wars as died during the War to End All Wars! Soldiers on both sides slaughtered Jewish ghetto imprisoned refugees, like lions often play with their prey.
    1648 with the Peace of Westphalia finally terminated that horrible barbaric war. This war forced European governments to demand laws of war, following the horrific abominations and war crimes committed by both sides.

    But for Jewish refugee populations disaster followed disaster! The same year of the Peace of Westphalia witnessed another more horrific explosion! The Khmelnytsky Uprising – which lasted about 9 years and resulted in the slaughter of approximately 1.5 million Jews. This disaster followed up by the Sabbatai Zevi & Yaacov Frank false messiah absolute disasters.
    After Napoleon kicked the Pope in his balls and freed Western European Jewish refugee populations from the criminal ghetto war crimes against Humanity, Jews freed from the ghetto prisons came out of the Dark Ages unto a modern world! Reform Judaism declared Karo’s Shulkan Aruch assimilated statute law based upon deductive reasoning, and not inductive precedent based reasoning, as archaic and not relevant to the Modern age.

    Disaster followed by disaster defines the Jewish g’lut refugees experience in Europe and Muslim/Arab lands. Reform Judaism caused “Orthodox Judaism” to cling to the Neturie Karta abomination: Berlin our New Jerusalem – what-ever country Jews live, that’s our homeland Av tumah avoda zarah. Orthodox rabbis in the early 20th Century condemned political Zionism’s attempts to find a great power patron who would support the Jewish return back to our homeland. The Orthodox assimilated statute law addicted rabbis despised the Balfour Declaration of 1917!

    These Orthodox rabbis tended to duplicate the error made by Pope Pius XII; they held that Orthodox Judaism has a monopoly over the Torah, that the opinions expressed by the Reshonim – infallible! They decreed that ירידות הדורות means that later generations of Jewry cannot criticize earlier generations of Reshonim scholarship. Despite the fact that the Reshonim failed to lead Jewish refugee populations back to our homelands. Orthodox Neturei Karta Judaism despises the phenomenal success achieved by late 19th Century Political, Cultural & Labor Zionism!

    Just as the Wilderness generation rebelled to rise up and conquer the oath brit homelands of Canaan, so too Orthodox Judaism behaved like dogs who return and eat their own vomit. Those arrogant rabbis who imagine that Orthodox Judaism has a monopoly-hold on the inheritance of the Torah; who embrace the deductive reasoning “monopoly” perversion of T’NaCH and Talmudic inductive logic common law; who favor their copy-cat “Xtian replacement theology” assimilated deductive Aristotelean logic statute halacha model monopoly. Just as the Wilderness Generation has no portion in the World to Come, so too Orthodox Judaism/Shoah has no portion in the World to Come.)))}}}]]], Jewish g’lut refugee populations experience destruction after destruction after destruction after destruction.

    Stop and consider: According to the Apostle Paul, Goyim not under the law. The Torah commandment of Moshiach, a key part of Jewish law. What distinguishes between Roman statute laws from Jewish common laws? No Xtian priest or pastor has ever asked or considered this fundamental question. Yet Xtianity assumes that its Gospels narishkeit holds a lock and key monopoly over the Torah commandment law known as Moshiach! LOL What a total joke. Can’t have your cake and eat it too. Can’t not be under the Law and at the say time declare absolute expertise over a key Torah commandment. Just that simple.

    The Talmud by stark contrast learns the Torah commandment of Moshiach to the Baali T’shuva. What Torah commandment defines a Baali T’shuva? The commandment to shoo the mother bird from off sitting upon her eggs. How? Torah law delves primarily into tohor middot. Notice the noise new testament never once considers this key subject. For a Cohen to do service in the Mishkan the Cohen had to stand “tohor”. This word, a completely alien term to Goyim. Why? Goyim not under the Law.To shoo the mother bird away from her eggs, a tohor middah. Another strange alien term to Goyim, for the exact same reason: Goyim not under the Law. Middah means “measure”. As in the judicial concept of justice: Measure for Measure. Judicial justice not important to Par’o of ancient Egypt and equally not important to any European courtrooms, who never held the Church accountable for its many war-crime guilts against Humanity.

    The commandment of Moshiach qualifies as a tohor time-oriented commandment. Another alien term to Goyim for the same identical reason: Goyim not under the Law. All tohor time- oriented commandments stand upon the foundation of “fear of Heaven”. Meaning a person has to intend to dedicate holy to HaShem a tohor midda. In the case of shooing the mother bird from off her clutch of eggs, the midda dedicated holy to HaShem, the tohor midda of not inflicting unnecessary pain upon the mother bird.

    What example of a rabbinic mitva/commandment perhaps best exemplifies this midda? Kosher slaughtering of animals. By the law learned in the Talmud kosher slaughter of animals learns from the slaughter of sacrificial animals dedicated unto the altar. What fundamentally separates the animal flesh burnt upon the altar in Jerusalem from butchering meats for consumer consumption? The first thing the Cohen throws upon the altar “the living blood” of the sacrificial offering. This means the Cohen had to cut the carotid artery which runs parallel to the thorax wind-pipe.

    The common butcher does not require this ‘living blood’, which squirts out of the wound due to blood-pressure produced by that the beating heart of the sacrificial animal. Hence the Talmud on laws for butchering meat does not directly mention cutting the carotid artery, b/c the butcher does not require this ‘living blood’. Nonetheless, a sage in the Talmud, rabbi Yechuda, teaches that a person with “fear of Heaven”, ((the foundation of all tohor time-oriented commandments)), should cut the carotid artery. Why? Because not cutting this artery, the animal can live for some time there-after its throat gets cut. As a slaughter house rav, I personally have witnessed cattle getting up and walking around due to the failure to cut the carotid artery.

    Not causing unnecessary animal suffering, a tohor midda learned from shooing the mother bird away from her clutch of eggs, this tohor midda defines the reason why Rabbi Yechuda of the Gemara warns butchers to, despite not requiring, needing, nor wanting the living blood of the slaughtered animal, nonetheless, to cut the carotid artery of the animal so that it dies immediately, like 2 seconds after, its throat being cut.The concept “tohor time-oriented commandment” learns from Moshe going to Egypt. Recall that Moshe opposed going to Egypt! Moshe went to Egypt as a “baali t’shuva”.

    What defines a “baali t’shuva”? That a person arouses to address a current national crisis afflicting the Jewish people at that moment in time. The Torah anointed Pinchas “Moshiach of War” in the war fought against Moav and Midian & Bil’am the prophet.

    The failure of the church abomination to learn the Torah commandment of Moshiach from Torah sources, proves that that false religion as an utter counterfeit of alien Roman origins. The Gospels, written after all in Greek – not Hebrew or Aramaic, the common languages spoken by the Jewish people at that time! The Romans based their pantheon of Gods upon the Greek Gods of Mount Olympus; Romans commonly spoke the language of the Greeks, something like Czar Peter the Great spoke French, as did all his court. The God-father of JeZeus and Hercules, an identical mythical story.

    Hence, the tohor time-oriented commandment of Moshiach stands on the foundation of “fear of Heaven”; and “fear of Heaven” most essentially requires the dedication holy to HaShem of some specific tohor midda. Like as found in the tohor time-oriented commandment of shooing the mother bird away from sitting upon her eggs.

    The Torah commandment of anointing a baali-t’shuva Moshiach, the tohor time-oriented commandment of anointing a person dedicated to save Israel during a time of national crisis.

    Hence Rabbi Akiva considered Bar Kochba as moshiach. Alas the Bar Kochba revolt collapsed.  This false Moshiach when given the opportunity to drive the Romans out of Damascus refused this Torah mitzva.  When king David, anointed as Moshiach conquered Damascus, did he establish that city as a City of Refuge and build the Small Sanhedrin common law lateral court there? 

    A great dispute in the Jerushalmi Talmud disputes this question.  The mitzva of Moshiach learns from the last mitzva of Moshe Rabbeinu who built the small Sanhedrin courts in the 3 Cities of Refuge.  The mitzva of Moshiach does not learn from the רשע king Shlomo who built an assimilated Catholic Cathedral/Temple – who worshipped Av tumah avoda zarah. 

    But this does not change the facts on the ground. Jews confronted the Romans in a national crisis and anointed a General to fight the Romans. Just as Moshe anointed Phinehas to fight the war against Moav and Midian/Bil’am. Phinehas anionted eish Moshiach milchamah, the messiah anointed for war.  Rabbi Akiva supported the anointing Bar Kochba as Moshiach. 

    Alas this false messiah failed to conquer Damascus and build a City of Refuge.  The Romans could send a new Army from Rome and prepare to reconquer Judea.  Strategically this false messiah likewise failed to coordinate the Jewish revolt against the Romans together with the Jews of Alexandria Egypt.  This permitted the Romans to more easily put down both failed revolts in a piece-meal fashion.

    • The Israeli Art of War: The intellectual effort to explode the “Ethical Containment Force” of a corrupt abusive civilization.

      The Arab Spring directly threatened the culture/customs of Arab and Muslim, and even impacted Xtian moral consciousness of western civilizations.

      The Apostle Paul, a Jewish agent provocateur sent to Rome to shatter the “ethical containment force” of polytheistic Rome, prior to the out-break of the Jewish revolt which sought to expel the Romans from Judea. Paul sought to promote a revolutionary Monotheism within Roman society which worshipped Ceasar as the ‘Son of God’.

      For example: the shattering of the “Ethical Containment Force” of revolutionary France, Bolshevik Russia, the Nazi revolution which cast the Weimar Republic upon the dung heaps of history, and the Iranian revolution which did the same to the Shah of Iran. All these examples serve to define the theoretical concept framed as: “shattering the ethical containment force” that maintains an Order of a society prior to the outbreak of internal revolutions which over-throw the Old Order. And attempt to replace it with the revolutions’ idea of the “New World Order”.

      In all these Cases of internal revolution of a society, the “Ethical Containment Force” imploded upon itself. Both the establishment “moral authority” & the corrupt Central Government destroyed. Like the Bolsheviks executed the family of the Czar.

      The post-revolutionary fall of a targeted government likewise chaos and anarchy erupt almost immediately thereafter. Less than a decade after the Nazis seized power a general war ensued. The threat of this revolution caused a violent counter-reaction among other countries; much like a glass full of water that breaks consequent to falling upon the floor.

      Leon Troskii called this social anarchy: “The continuous revolution”. Once political revolution collapses the reign of an oppressive government, this revolution spreads to other neighbouring corrupt governments, as expressed through genocidal international wars. The Iran Iraq war witnessed the deaths of millions of Sunni vs Shiite Muslims after the fall of the Shah of Iran.

      No Universal God lives. Monotheism לא לשמה flagrantly rapes the 2nd Sinai commandment. The 10 plagues judged the Gods of Egypt just as the Armies of Israel judged the Gods of Canaan. The UN whore of the pre-WWII defunct League of Nations, tits on a boar hog. Prophets command mussar…they do NOT predict the future.

      Israeli National Independence in 1948 NOT a Genesis creation story. Belief in dead gods, just a different form of gospels revisionist history that perverted Mankind till the Shoah. G’lut Jews abandoned the wisdom to obey משנה תורה\common law לשמה.

      The תרי”ג commandments כלל, inclusive of all the halachic mitzvot in the whole of Talmud and Midrashim; the B’hag & Rashi פרט, ruled the lights of shabbat and visiting the sick – mitzvot דאורייתא. Purim: the Torah commandment not to assimilate and intermarry with Goyim. Removal of חמץ to up-root avoda zarah from the hearts of Israel.

      The תרי”ג commandments NOT mitzvot organized into a positive/negative egg-crate carton. To observe shabbat requires the הבדלה which separates מלאכה from עבודה. To daven tefillat kre’a shma requires the k’vanna to duplicate the oaths sworn by the Avot. Hence the p’suk holds 3 Divine Names and requires both tefillin & tallit tzitzit.

      Tohor time-oriented commandments NOT restricted to watching the clock. But arouse the fear of heaven כלל to dedicate a tohor middah to confront a national crisis. פרט Moshiach does NOT build a catholic cathedral but restores the cities of refuge, small Sanhedrin Federal courtrooms of the Torah Constitutional Republic. Faith defined: justice, justice pursue.

  3. Purim defines the mitzva of the eternal war against Amelek. The curse of antisemitism expressed throughout the generations consequent to Jewish worship of avoda zarah in violation of the 2nd Sinai commandment.

    To comprehend the k’vanna which the Siddur requires most significantly involves linking the Talmud to re-interpreting the k’vanna of the language of the Siddur like as and similar to how the Gemara re-interprets the language of the Mishna.

    Purim linked to Pesach. Why? The removal of חמץ teaches a משל\נמשל mussar instruction. The נמשל to remove avoda zarah from within our hearts. Purim linked to Pesach. The megillah commands the mussar not to A) assimilate and walk within the customs, cultures, and mannerisms of the Goyim and B) not to intermarry with Goyim who reject the revelation of the Torah at Sinai.

    The 2nd Sinai commandment: Do not worship other Gods. The megillah of Esther serves as a most authoritative “Gemara explanation of its Mishna”, how the Holy Writings of the NaCH serve as a commentary to the Books of the NaCH prophets.

    Herein understands the common law\משנה תורה connection which connects the scholarship of the NaCH on the Torah and the later scholarship of the Gemara on the common law Case/Din Mishna.

    The Gemara of mesechta ברכות, rabbi Yochannon ruled: a blessing requires שם ומלכות. Interesting the שם revealed in the 1st Sinai commandment turned into a Golden Calf translations which perverts the Divine Spirit Name that the lips of Man can neither frame nor pronounce to words like YHWH Yaweh Jehovah Allah and all similar “Golden Calves” on par with the Trinity avoda zarah.

    Interesting too that church revisionist history fails to grasp the metaphor מלכות\kingship refers to tohor middot. That church revisionist history fails to grasp that tohor do not correctly translate as “pure” or “clean”. These word mistranslations fail to convey that tohor revers to distinct Divine Spirits – based upon the Name revelation within the 1st Sinai commandment which the Xtian revisionist history bible translations pervert into the “Golden Calf” of Lord and later JeZeus as God.

    Returning to the “blessing” of the Cohonim. A tohor time-oriented commandment which requires k’vanna. This unique type of Torah commandment stands upon the foundation/יסוד of “fear of heaven/baal shem tov. A man through foolishness, greed, evil eye, can destroy his good name reputation which has taken a lifetime to build and establish in a second. Much like a balloon quickly pops when released about a field of cactus.

    ברכת כהנים lacks שם ומלכות. The prayers of Tehillem/Psalms too likewise lack שם ומלכות. This begs the famous question which the Talmud continuously asks: מאי נפקא מינא/What’s the difference? Specifically in this particular case, between a blessing ie Shemone Esrei and kre’a shama, and tefillah – all of which equally lack שם ומלכות, from a praise – as in the prayers of Tehillem/Psalms?

    Keeping the mitzva of Shabbat absolutely requires making a הבדלה which differentiates between איסור מלאכה from איסור עבודה. A person who keeps shabbat, like as if he kept all the Torah commandments. Why? Because observance of all Torah commandments likewise requires making this most essential מאי נפקא מינא\הבדלה which discern a “flat” 2 dimensional commandment unto a living “depth” 3 dimensional commandment.

    Try to explain how the Book of Vayikra – not a barbeque to heaven? Next, address how the Shemone Esrei replaces korbanot when a korban requires a וידוי and the Shemone Esrei does not include the language of a וידוי. The 3rd Middle Blessing סלח לנו not the language of a וידוי because a person permitted to add a rabbinic וידוי in the last of the middle blessings שמע קולינו.

    Lastly, please address the מאי נפקא מינא between a וידוי דרבנן which does not exist in the עצם language of the Shemone Esrei from a וידוי דאורייתא, which explains why the B’hag ruled, at the shock of the Rambam – despite the Rambam ruling that tefillah qualifies as a mitzva from the Torah (5th positive commandment in that egg-crate codification of commandments).

  4. Children who through rote repetition know the Siddur by heart … know nothing at all. Failure to address the subject of the Siddur as the codification of זימן גרמא מצוות = pie in the sky, pie in your eye, nonsense/narishkeit. Why did the Israel say מעשה בראשית as their portion of Avodat HaShem when the Cohonim dedicated a sworn oath korban upon the altar? The repetition of מעשה בראשית a kabbalah סוד for the dedication of tohor time-oriented commandments which require as an absolute bear minimum — k’vanna.

    The Kabbalistic term “Shekinah”, a סוד reference to זימן גרמא מצוות which require k’vanna ie blowing tohor spirits which reside within our Yatzir within our heart, as the eternal definition of “avodat HaShem” – meaning doing mitzvot לשמה.The חמץ משל teaches the prophetic mussar נמשל – remove assimilation and intermarriage with Goyim from among all Jewish communities. Herein defines the k’vanna of the 42 letter Divine Name and the purpose for counting the Omer which joins Pesach with its zivug partner Shevuoth. Clearly no person can accept the Torah revelation at Sinai while clinging to avoda zarah within his/her hearts.

    What is the purpose of Mezuzah and Tefillin? Why are they important? The role of women in the Torah. Observance of time oriented tohor commandments a רשות for women. Compare rabbi Yehoshua’s opinion of תפילת ערבית. He argues that this third tefillah – a רשות. What defines רשות? The dedication of defined tohor middot holy to HaShem לשמה. Women in the T’NaCH, they define רשות expressed through the stories of D’vorah going to war against Sisera and HaDassah pleading mercy for her people before the king. Both cases represent a רשות.

    Signs of the brit. Mezuzah the brit of קידושין by which a man “cuts” a brit alliance with his wife through swearing an oath in front of 10 Jews. The oath of קידושין concerns the obligations: children, and education of these children, raised to understand the oath brit faith. Tefillin, like a Sefer Torah, in that a person sits and swears the oaths sworn by the Three Avot. The two boxes of tefillin validate the oaths sworn at Gilgal and Sh’Cem, in the days of Yehoshua the prophet. The מאי נפקא מינה between the Orders of Rashi and Rabeinu Tam tefilln, remembers the oath sworn by Israel at Gilgal, as opposed to the oath sworn by Israel at Sh’Cem.

    To do mitzvot regardless their origins straight from the Torah or straight from the rabbis, a רשות to do this or that mitzva with k’vanna. The k’vanna of dedicating defined tohor middot לשמה. Doing mitzvot לשמה, such a dedication of k’vanna, transforms mitzvot whether דאורייתא או דרבנן unto טהור זימן גרמא מצוות דאורייתא. To dedicate mitzvot לשמה, a רשות which learns from the obligation of קום ועושה ושב ולא תעשה מצוות neither of which requires k’vanna. Therefore the רשות מצוה of dedicating defined tohor middot לשמה, elevates any and all mitzvot דאורייתא או דרבנן to mitzvot דאורייתא.
    Muslims- If I admit to the flaws and racism in Zionism, will you admit to the flaws of honor killings and misogyny?Moshe KerrZionism – Israeli nationalism. Humanity has its flaws and racism. Islam just flat out avoda zarah -worship of other Gods.

    Eric Nissani
    Idolatry? I’m not a Muslim but I guess they could return the judgement back to you since most despise Zionism and Zionists.I don’t despise zionism ( most of my family is Jewish) however i recognize that israeli nationalism has problems. Although Israelis and Israel have the right to exist. What I disagree with is the jewish law of return to haaretz- prejudiced and outdated. I also disagree with the occupations that started in 1967 and I disagree with people who claim it is Jewish land first. It is Jewish and Christian and Muslim land. All deserve it equally.

    Moshe Kerr

    Idolatry a Xtian mistranslation (bad translation) for avoda zarah. The 2nd Sinai commandments which both Xtian and Islamic faiths rape … Monotheism explicitly violates the commandment against the worship of other Gods. Pesach approaches, the spilling of the 10 drops of wine a משל to the plagues. The נמשל of the plagues??? The Gods worshipped by Par’o and Egypt.

    The avoda zarah of Monotheism in its multiple facets: (Let’s Make a Deal) Curtain #1 Xtianity with its Trinity mystery. Curtain #2 Islam with its strict Monotheism of Allah. Curtain #3 Hinduism with its multiple and or multitude of Gods. All three options – avoda zarah Av Tumah death.

    The 30-year war which culminated in 1648, the same year as the Cossack pogroms in the Ukraine and Poland Catholics slaughtered Goyim & Jews living in Germany (cause they were there) because they called the cruxifics of JeZeus on the cross – an idol. And Germans slaughtered Goyim & Jews (cause they were there) in France, Spain and Italy because they adored “idols” of JeZeus on the cross and statues.

    The Torah defines the 2nd Sinai commandment as: A)) assimilation to the cultures and customs of Goyim (Like as did the Jews living in Spain during the ‘Golden Age’.) B)) intermarriage with Goyim who never accept to this day the Revelation of the Torah at Sinai. [Neither the Xtian bible abomination nor the Muslim koran abomination brings the שם השם. Translating the רוח הקודש שם השם to words, duplicates the sin of the Golden Calf!

    The so called 10 commandments, the Torah speaks in the language of Man. After the 2nd Commandment Israel (They ignored the warning of Moshe and had sex with their wives prior to the revelation of the Torah at Sinai. Hence they feared they would die.) demanded that Moshe rise up and receive the rest of the Torah! So why the 10 commandments in the 2nd and 5th Books of the Torah?

    Torah Law – Common Law. The Hebrew for Common Law: משנה תורה, the name for the 5th Book of the Book of דברים! Common Law stands upon a case comparison study of precedents. The Hebrew for precedents: בנין אב. A key set of middot in the 13 middot of Rabbi Yishmael’s logic. (After reading the korbanot in the Siddur you will see rabbi Yishmael’s 13 middot which include two references to בנין אב.) The Rambam code did not know the kabbalah of Rabbi Akiva’s פרדס. This logic system affixes to the loom of the Talmudic fabric – the warp/weft threads of halacha and aggada which intrinsically relies upon the 13 middot rules of rabbi Yishmael’s logic system/format.

    The Torah defines prophesy as mussar commanded by prophets. Tumah witchcraft predicts the future. Tohor prophetic mussar applies straight across the board to all generations of Israel. Prophets command mussar they do not predict the future as the gospel roman counterfeit declares.
    The koran avoda zarah, Muhammad wrote prophet about every 7th word! Yet that book of avoda zarah failed to know how the Torah defines “Prophet”.

    The mesechta of בבא קמא refers to religious rhetoric as a mountain hanging by a hair. Specifically, all the Torah commandments דאורייתא ודרבנן they all hang upon the first two opening commandments of Sinai which Israel accepted and thereafter demanded that Moshe rise up the Mount and receive the rest of the Torah. (עיין הבה’’ג, in his intro to the Torah commandments he includes 100 blessings, tefillah, ner shabbat, ner Channukka, Megilat Esther etc as mitzvot from the Torah! The Rambam condemned the B’hag in his introduction to his Sefer Ha’Mitzvot!

    This latter רשע failed to grasp that doing טהור זימן גרמא מצוות elevates not only קום ועושה ושב ולא תעשה commandments but all the halachot within the Talmud unto זימן גרמא מצוות דאורייתא!
    Assimilated Rambam did not understand the kabbalah of Rabbi Akiva’s פרדס. Hence he organized and prioritized his codification of the halachot learned from the Talmud based upon the logic of Aristotle as explained by the Arab scholars of Aristotle’s’ logic. His perversion of Talmudic common law unto Roman statute law caused a Jewish Civil War that destroys our g’lut refugee populations across Europe and Russia to this very day!

    This Torah curse known in Hebrew: ירידות הדורות. The English equivalent – “domino effect”. An idea opposite and contradictory to the Xtian dogma of “Free Will”.Publication of the Rambam avoda zarah statute halachic code 1185. That רשע died in 1205. About 10 years later the Court of Rabbeinu Yonah condemned that רשע, placed him in נידוי, and burned his statute law perversion of T’NaCH and Talmudic common law. (The T’NaCH rabbi Akiva’s פרדס explanation of the Oral Torah revealed at Horev/Sinai equally interprets T’NaCH common law through aggada sources and Midrashic sources, as it does Talmudic halacha common law/משנה תורה.)

    The arrogance of the Rambam, that fool did not know that משנה תורה means “Common Law”!The flames of Jewish Civil War ie the burning of the books of Rambam in Spain in about 1230, spread to Paris France in 1242; the Goyim king of France and poop Pope burned all the hand written manuscripts of the Talmud (the printing press not invented for some 200 years into the future). In year 1290 culminated that king’s “taxation without representation” of all Jewish refugees in England. Having robbed “his” Jews of all income and wealth, the king expelled the Jewish paupers to other countries. In 1306 the king of France likewise did the same. The expulsion of the Jews of France destroyed the Rashi/Tosafot common law commentary/school which studied the Talmud as common law.

    The Rambam perversion won the Civil War and prevailed over the נידוי of Rabeinu Yonah’s court. In contrast to the victory of Yechuda Maccabee over the assimilated Tzeddukim who sought to “convert” Jerusalem unto a Greek polis/city state; remembered and celebrated by the mitzva of lighting the lights of Hannukah.

    Other than the Rosh common law commentary on the Talmud halachot, written after publication of the Rambam’s statute law perversion, starting with his son – who wrote the Tur, all Reshonim and Acharonim scholars learn the T’NaCH and Talmud unto this very day as assimilated Roman Statute Law. In effect Orthodox rabbinic Judaism blows out the candles of Hannukka ever year.

    The Germanic kingdoms copy-cat of Taxation without Representation likewise pauperized the Jewish refugee populations scattered across all the kingdoms of Germany. German kingdoms one after another then expel the Jewish refugees from their lands. 1492 all the Jews of Spain and Portugal expelled. In 1516 the poop Pope decreed the 3 Century ghetto war-crime! A huge population transfer immediately followed. Jews fled the oppression of Western Europe to the Ukraine and Poland lands. In 1648 the Cossack revolts slaughtered some 1.5 million Jews!

    Civil War, the Bain-curse of avoda zarah, imposed upon the kingdom of David following the murder of the husband of Bat Sheva by the command of the king. The first rule of Jewish governance of the lands of Israel: to prevent the outbreak of Civil War among our divided people.Common law has two basic rules which assimilated Statute law rapes and murders like as did Hamas on Oct 7th 2023.
    1) Never divorce a Gemarah (its halachot) from its Home Mishna. Gemara common law makes a Case/Rule study of precedents by which to interpret the intent/k’vanna of the language of its Home Mishna.
    2) Never divorce the Aggadic portions learned to the Home Mishna from its Halachic precedent Primary Sources to interpret the k’vanna of Mishnaic intent.

    Eric Nissani

    Interesting. You are definitely a scholar of Judaism. I posted the question originally to Muslims, as I wish to find common ground of fault within both peoples. Jews are too dominant in Israel, and Muslims are too antagonistic. But I got mixed results in that people who hate Zionism (Muslims and leftists) will continue to do so, and people who support it are usually unwavering.

    Moshe Kerr

    Israel: the Jewish state. For what purpose does commandments, mitzvot, & halachot serve? The opening first two commandments define the whole of the Torah. A)) Faith defined as: Following the judicial common law pursuit of justice among our People לשמה. B)) Rejecting the cultures, customs, mannerisms and ways of all Goyim in all generations who reject the revelation of the Torah at Sinai; who establish culture, customs, ways, and mannerism which have nothing to do with the revelation of the Torah at Sinai.

    What defines the plague/Torah curse\ of antisemitism? Jewish worship of avoda zarah; the 2nd Sinai commandment. The Golden Calf serves as the classic definition from the Torah of avoda zarah. Ignorant child like reading/translating of the prophetic mussar, which the Torah commands throughout the generations “interprets” the Aggada story of the “Golden Calf”, based upon the Oral Torah revelation taught through the kabbalah of rabbi Akiva’s פרדס logic format. This logic system stands apart from Plato and Aristotle and Hegel’s logic formats as accepting the Torah at Sinai,,, from not accepting the Torah at Sinai; bi-polar opposites, Yes-No.

    The Torah speaks in the language of Man. The metaphor of avoda zarah told through the aggada of the sin of the Golden Calf. This דרוש (comparison of Case/Law to similar but other Case/Law) known as בנין אב in Hebrew and understood in English as “precedents” which establish “Common law” judicial rulings, with the aim and purpose to resolve Jewish disputes of damages inflicted upon our people by our people.

    Goyim, people/nations which do not establish law through judicial courtroom rulings but rather through statute law – Legislative and/or Executive decrees. Goyim do not accept the revelation of the Torah at Sinai; not in the days of Moshe Rabbeinu and not today. Worlds of separation and distance distinguish living under the rule of our own Jewish people from living under the tyranny of Goyim who govern Jews as stateless refugee/dhimmi populations which have no rights.

    The Political Zionism of Hertzl stands on the foundations of the antisemitic Alfred Dreyfus Affair of corrupt judicial injustice by vertical French “star courts” (The British infamous “star courts” validated British impressment of American sailors on the High Seas/international waters). [The difference between lateral courtrooms from vertical courtrooms: the State pays the salary/a bribe\ to the Judges and Prosecuting Attorney; lateral courtrooms the State does not pay the salary, not of any Judge of the Courts]. And the Russian pogroms which made a forced population transfer of millions of Jews from the Pale of Russia to the Golden Medina of the United States in the early years of the 20th Century. The defining transformation of that Jewish refugee “assimilation” (Golden Calf), these Russian Jews became English speaking Americans within a generation! Contrast the dhimmi 1948, & ’67 Arab refugee populations which according to the corrupt UN remain as stateless refugees to this very day.

    Jewish worship of the Golden Calf דרוש resulted in a Torah curse. A generation following WWI Adolf Hitler and the Nazis came to power. The English imposed the White Paper in 1939, which made it illegal for Jews to flee to the Palestine Mandated territories — the opposite of the Balfour Declaration Promise made in 1917. And FDR closed the borders of America, which likewise sealed the fate of 75% of European Jewry slaughtered in less than 3 years.

    The question why did the Allies refuse, a conscious Government decision made by the Allied Governments, to not bomb the rail lines leading to the Death Camps??? By 1942 both Washington, London and Rome knew of the Nazi policy: to exterminate the Jewish people.

    Viewed from the perspective of the Torah: the answer to this question simple. Jewish worship of the דרוש Golden Calf! A concrete precedent of the Golden Calf; neither the Xtian Bible nor the Muslim Koran ever once brings the שם השם revealed in the First Sinai commandment. (The Greatest commandment of the Torah. The “Mountain hanging by a hair” which explains this metaphor employed in mesechta בבא קמא.)

    The aggada story of the Golden Calf, Israel declared: “these Gods brought Israel up out of Egyptian bondage.”How does this clause explain avodah zarah for all generations of Man-Kind upon this Earth? אלו אלהים/these Gods\, translate the שם השם a רוח הקודש (translated into English, as Divine Presence Spirit) unto words which the lips of Man can easily frame and pronounce.

    The translation of the 1st Sinai commandment Name: perverts/corrupts\defiles/rapes\humiliates/amputates etc the רוח הקודש שם השם like as does the Xtian Nicene Creed which transforms “Holy Spirit” into the Trinity God-Head. Never once do the Goyim (as expressed through the Universal God religions of Xtianity and Islam) bring within the pages of their bible and koran abominations of avoda zarah the שם השם Name revealed in the 1st Sinai commandment. Hence these theological belief systems which dictate belief in some Universal God of monotheism, ipso-facto worship other Gods — the 2nd Sinai commandment.

    The Torah refers to antisemitism through the eternal דרוש commandment “remember Amalek”. The NaCH story of Purim, tells the story of Amalek. Antisemitism roars like a hungry lion whenever the Jewish people worship the Golden Calf — we assimilate and embrace the cultures, customs, manners and ways practiced by the Goyim who reject the revelation of the Torah at Sinai.

  5. Learning to do mitzvot דאורייתא ודרבנן לשמה – Hearin defines Kabbalah.

    The key Kabbalah term of reference “Shekinah/Divine Presence” refers specifically to Jewish observance of “time oriented tohor commandments”. מעשה בראשית//the continual act of Creation … doing טהור זימן גרמא מצוות לשמה. Everything else, simply trivial commentary; swearing a Torah oath has the power to continually Create the Universe from Nothing, in all times and generations, which the Jewish people walk before our God, throughout the Ages. Some refer to this concept – as the mitzva of Moshiach.

    Hence the first word of the Torah בראשית, contains within its 6 letters (The Mishna has 6 Orders), ברית אש. The first Parsha of בראשית, followed by Parshat נח. False oaths created the Floods from nothing! Hence the opening blessing prior to doing tohor time oriented commandments like: just one example: kre’a shma, twice emphasizes: תמיד מעשה בראשית. Torah oaths breath the Spirit of the Shekinah Divine Name – this defines the extreme dangers to the אש/Fire of the ברית – sworn alliance. Moshe referred to this Brit responsibility as: Blessing or Curse – therefore (this term implies swearing an oath) choose Life rather than Death.

    The UN stands upon absolutely no foundation of merit. The morality of both Xtian new testament and Muslim koran – fundamentally cracked and worthless. Why the feminine form for Divine Presence? Because the כלל: זימן גרמא מצוות learns from the בנין אב specific “precedent” of תפילת ערבית … a רשות מצוה – as – the מצוה של קידושין or קריא שמע or תפילין or שבת וכו, all these Torah examples exist as tohor time-oriented commandments, which breath the Spirit Name, which the Kabbalah refers to as the Shakinah.

    These, רשות mitzvot, meaning: tohor time oriented commandments – include not only all the 613 Written Torah commandments, but inclusive likewise, all the Talmudic halachot. Both Written Torah commandments and Talmudic Halachot, they all have the רשות potential – of tohor time-oriented commandments. This most holy of holies of Torah commandments, absolutely require, the רשות, of doing this most holy of Holy Torah commandments – breathing the Spirit of k’vanna לשמה. Doing mitzvot with k’vanna לשמה, this unique most holy of Holies separates these t’rumah tohor time oriented commandments Torah commandments, specifically designated during a huge crisis, like Moshe going down to Egypt to bring up Israel from Egyptian slavery, as רשות מצוות. For women to do tohor time oriented commandments – a רשות and not a חיוב. Hence the key Kabbalah term: Shekinah.

    Post Shoah, guilty Xtians have no shame. Their Revisionist History, just a pile of shit stacked upon more stinky shit. Their repulsive new testament Revisionist History shares no portion with the T’NaCH prophetic mussar. Never once do these religious abominations of avoda zarah – new testament or koran – ever bring the revelation of the Name – revealed within the 1st Sinai commandment; the Greatest Commandment — in the whole of the Torah revelation at Sinai –which the Goyim never accepted and therefore they worship other Gods — the 2nd Sinai commandment — which the Goyim never accepted. Notions of some Universal God/Monotheism Creed theology belief system – this Av tumah avoda zarah – it defines the Av tumah practiced by the belief system driven theologies of both Xtian and Muslim barbarians.

    Tumah, expressed through the Muslim koran which absolutely forbids a Muslim to eat pork flesh but permits camel! Despite the Order of camel which precedes pig, in the forbidden foods listed within the Torah.

    The רוח הקודש\Holy Spirit/ which live eternally from within the language of Mussar prophetic משנה תורה\common law/ of the Hebrew T’NaCH. This tohor Spirit breathes and lives within the hearts of the Jewish people alone, in all generations. The Av tumah avoda zarah Nicene Creed theology, established in 325 CE, equal to tits on a boar hog when the piglets squeal from hunger for their mamma’s milk.

    The 1st Commandment Name – this Av tohor living Spirt – NOT – a word translation. Any more than does the word “Blue” define the quality or essence of any shade of colour category! Translating the Divine Spirit Name, revealed in the 1st Sinai Commandment, from this Divine Name Living Breathing Spirit, to a Word, which the lips of Man can easily frame or pronounce …. herein defines the substance – as opposed and contrasted by – the forms of faith, commonly known as the Sin of the Golden Calf. THE Torah definition for avoda zarah – the 2nd Sinai commandment.

    Goyim never accepted the revelation of the Torah at Sinai. They share no portion with the T’NaCH spirituality which determines לשמה the culture, customs, manners, ways, practices — in short the halacha and minchagim practiced by the Jewish people throughout all generations. Hence: תמיד מעשה בראשית. Herein defines the k’vanna of the revelation of Torah and Talmud Written and Oral Torah as one unique revelation of Torah faith.

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